Please click here to download my 2020 dissertation “‘Will You Still Be Mine?’: Memory, Place, Race and Jazz on Chicago’s South Side” produced at the University of Chicago’s Department of Music and Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture. In this dissertation you will find my archival research of Black musician life from the 1940s to the 1960s, considerations with elder musicians, including guitarist George Freeman, of memory and place as integral aspects of musical practice, and conversations with musicians and devout fans about Von Freeman and his celebrated Tuesday jam session at the New Apartment Lounge. This document represents Volume 1 of my dissertation research—the historical and ethnographic component—with Vonology representing Volume 2, the creative sonic portion of my research. Please feel free to reach out to me with any comments about my dissertation.

George Freeman reading Chapter 3, which features George and I performing at the site of the old Grand Terrace at 315 E. 35th Street. Photo by author, August 16, 2020.